Our Mission is to provide our clients and their advisors with professional advice and service, the same advice we would implement for ourselves under similar circumstances.
We design insurance portfolios to compliment clients planning and to enhance the results of policies.
We recognize that each client’s situation is unique and requires independent analysis to work towards achieving the best possible result for each client. When reviewing each client’s scenario, we will consider multiple product types from multiple companies along with various funding options in an effort to achieve the best results possible for each client.
Obtaining the best possible health rating can have an exponential effect on the pricing and performance of a policy.
This applies to underwriting as well. We have found underwriting to be one of the most important factors in regard to price and performance over the duration of a policy. Our unique process involves first obtaining the medical records and bringing them in house for review by our medical underwriting staff. They will review the records in an effort to identify any gaps in the records and work to help resolve the gaps and answer any questions that they find prior to sharing this information with the insurance companies. Once we have clarified any issues we then share this information with the most competitive and highly rated insurance companies. Through this process we are often able to obtain preferential pricing and enhance the results of the policies.
Insurance planning is not a one time event, it needs to be monitored to help ensure the proper performance of the policy as well as the alignment with current and future needs.
We are committed to reviewing and evaluating policies on an ongoing basis. There are many different; policies, designs and funding options, all of which need to be monitored and evaluated regularly. We will provide in-force analytics to compare the initial projections to the current performance and the affect this will have on the policy.
Sophisticated planning techniques require even more monitoring to help ensure that premium payments are made on time and from the correct account. These factors may seem like minor details however when not properly monitored and maintained they can cause significant damage and unseen costs to the overall planning. Newton One has a formal succession plan to help ensure that we will be here to provide ongoing service for the duration of the policy.